DeltaMetriX ®




DeltaMetriX is a dynamic and progressive organisation dedicated to providing clients with an alternative to the standardised hierarchical management consultancy methodologies used for many years within audit companies. We provide the vision, tools and resources to deploy strategic solutions to our customers at a fraction of the time or cost of our competitors without compromising either quality or control. Offices are located throughout the world in Hong Kong, London, Los Angeles, Singapore, Sydney and Tokyo.


Our Mission

George A. Ford once wrote :

Where do I want to be at any given time ?
How am I going to get myself from where I am to where I want to be ?
What's the first step I can take to get moving ?

Unfortunately we weren't around to help back then but we could have given him his answer.

In our broad experience we find consistently that the success of a project is inversely related to luck but directly proportional to careful preparation.

We Design, We Manage, We eXecute

We Don't just do it - Do it right from the Start!

-         David Tan C.H

Director –Project Management


Company Profile

With a focus on the vertical markets of technical support to the financial services industry DeltaMetriX has successfully completed major international projects for the largest corporations in the sector.

DeltaMetriX differs from boutique consultancies as all personnel have extensive experience in the financial marketplace to complement the wide range of technical skills enabling all aspects of project design, implementation and management to be supported in house.

Customer care is a major priority within DeltaMetriX and post project support is provided in various formats from periodic review to full facilities management contracts.

Turnkey project management can be undertaken as DeltaMetriX has close links with leading interior design houses and technology suppliers. DeltaMetriX global reach is further extended by the development of synergistic, strategic partnerships ensuring consistent levels of service to our customers wherever they are located.

DeltaMetriX provides project based management and contract services. Strong growth in the areas of enterprise networking and strategic planning directly reflects the experience and professionalism of staff. This professionalism extends to all projects regardless of size with clients regarded as partners encouraging frequent communications between relevant staff on all aspects of work in progress.

Existing customers facing infrastructure related problems have increasingly turned to DeltaMetriX to provide both comprehensive strategic planning as well as contract staff resources to bridge temporary skills gaps.

The integrity of DeltaMetriX guarantees that all customers are ensured that all proposals offer optimal solutions and the approach is project not product based.





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Copyright © 1998 DeltaMetriX
Last modified: June 06, 1998